작성일 : 19-02-21 16:54 [3월 전시회] Laborama 2019(3.14~3.15) / Sign & Print Expo(3.26~3.28) (Nederland) 글쓴이 : KOREAKIYON 조회 : 5,574 이메일 : koreakiyon@glovebox.co.kr [2018.3 WOTS 2018] 참고 이미지Laser 2000 exhibits:* Laborama 2019 – Korea Kiyon Glovebox Systems, Vaisala and LaserVision (벨기에)14 en 15 maart 2019 Stand E13 Paleis 3 Brussels Expo Paleis 3 Brussels Expo, België Bekijk website : http://expo.laborama.be/nl* Sign & Print Expo; Universal laser Systems, CK Laser and Gemini Materials (네덜란드)26 t/m 28 maart 2019 Stand F116 Evenementenhal Gorinchem Gorinchem, Nederland Bekijk website : https://booking.evenementenhal.nl/nl/sign-print-expo-2019/gorinchem